Malaria Bites... Bite Back!
The second annual Bite Back 5K Race for Compassion International's Malaria Fund took place June 4th in Valdez, AK. We raised $1,780.00 which will provide malaria nets, education, and medicines for those infected with this life threatening disease. Thank you to all the people who participated and to those who donated to help us end malaria. To find out more about Compassion's work to stop malaria go to:

Mosquito Trophies

Go Team Compassion!
Music Fun!

Our 2011 Racers
Bite Back Race Results – (1st place runners in each age category)
June 4, 2011
Valdez, Alaska
Kids’s 1-Mile Fun Run
Boy: Wyatt Cummings
Girl: Kira Walters
5K Run/Walk
12 and Under
Boy: Jared Stanton 25:33
Girl: Caitlyn Mond 44:40
13-29 Years Old
Men: Sergei Wegner 20:48
Women: Caitlin Auble 25:05
20-29 Years Old
Men: Josh Merioles 18:37
Women: Kassy Lynass 21:02
30-39 Years Old
Men: Aaron Brown 18:11
Women: Lindsie King 24:28
40-49 Years Old
Men: Niko Vanderoorde 25:08
Women: Twilah Beck 24:19
50-64 Years Old
Men: Bob Smith 23:52
Women: Bonnie Cudnohufsky 28:53
65 and Up
Men: (no participants)
Women: Shirley Beck 46:16
Overall Fastest Times
Men: Aaron Brown 18:11
Women: Kassy Lynass 21:02