Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Gift

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Make a Move

If you have been following this blog and feel God tugging at your heart to move, I ask you to respond today. Visit Compassion International’s website and learn more about sponsoring a child, supporting a Child Survival Program, sponsoring a young leader, or donating to one of our important ministries such as the malaria fund. It is important and by sharing your blessings you can have real impact. Don’t wait any longer. Click here. May God bless you!
The Beginning

I made it home to Alaska Thursday, July 29th, at about 6:00 p.m. The journey was a long one, but God gave me great connections and kept me safe. I am so thankful for the whole journey, the things I saw, the people I met, and for the lessons I learned. It is hard to put a cap on the whole experience to summarize and close this portion of my blog. Where do I begin as I end this trip? Perhaps I must realize that this is actually the beginning… the beginning of my part in the story. What will I do with the things I have seen and heard? I feel the responsibility of the gift that I have been given. My experience must be told and the voices of the poor must be heard.
First, I’ll deliver a message.
The church and ministry partners in Tanzania send warm greetings to America. They wanted me to tell you that they are so thankful for what you are doing to help the children in their country. They pray for you and ask God’s continued blessing on you. Your Tanzania friends want you to know that they appreciate you and love you.
Secondly, I will pray.
I commit to pray for the children that are suffering persecution as they move from the traditions of their Muslim families and turn to Jesus. I ask the Lord that he would continue to provide a sanctuary for the children at Compassion’s child development centers and that these children would to be strengthened and given courage through his word and Holy Spirit.
I pray that the Tanzania Compassion staff will have their financial ministry needs met and that the Lord will also provide for their families and keep them healthy as they serve the poor. I ask God to continue to bless the work of their hands and mouths as they share his word and live out their calling.
I pray for the evangelists and pastors in Tanzania that seek to share the good news. Lord, please open the eyes and ears of the lost and allow them to hear and respond.
I pray for the Advocates that have now returned from this trip. Help them to share what they have seen, and provide open hearts that will respond to their message.
I pray for the Compassion’s sponsors. I ask the Lord to allow them to understand the importance of their ministry, and that he will help them to remember to pray for their children and to encourage them through letter writing.
Finally, I commit to act.
I will speak for those who have no voice.
I commit to actively seek opportunities to share what the Lord has shown me.
I will listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as he prompts me to act and respond to his voice.
I will encourage sponsors to be active in their letter writing.
I will encourage Compassion's Advocates to keep up the good fight and press on toward the goal.
I will begin today.
Lord, thank you for the great gift and responsibility that you have given me. I pray that today you will bring new sponsors to the Compassion table and provide the children who are unsponsored with a loving gift. Thank you for this opportunity and help me to communicate the message that you want me to share as I interact with people today.
In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Country Office

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I had a great nights sleep last night. I had the gift of a mosquito net over my bed. Even though we had mosquitos flying around our room, I didn't have to fear getting bit by a mosquito with malaria during the night.
Monday, July 26, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Would you sponsor a child in Tanzania?
Project TZ103

We enjoyed the children and young adults in the TZ103 Child Development Center today. Saturday is their actual "project day" so all of the children were wearing their purple uniform and attended the Compassion classes as they usually would. As the students arrived they were given a drink and a piece of bread. My wish to be a fly on the wall came true today, as we were able to sit in the classes and watch the Compassion staff share their gifts with the children.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Meeting Tabia
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Project TZ108 - Day 2

We beat ourselves up on the bumpy road back to project TZ108 today. The men continued to work with the local church on the roof project, and by the end of the day it was almost completed. It was great seeing unity in the body of Christ today. The roof building is part of Compassion International's Complimentary Intervention program.
I was involved in a tree-planting project ( also CIV). As you can see from the pictures, the red soil is very dry. We dug holes, lay in the new plants and hauled a bucket of water for each one from the well. It took two of us working together to haul the buckets back and forth, while the local women were easily carrying theirs on their heads as they walked by us. We planted about 20 trees that lined the path to the church. I’d love to come back some day to see how beautiful they look when they mature.
I also helped clear brush with a church member named Julius. He whacked the limbs with his machete, and I hauled them away. It felt great getting dirty. Julius assured me that there were no snakes in the brush, but I kept my eyes open just in case.
The highlight of the day was watching Val. Yesterday she decided that she wanted to sponsor a child at this project. She chose a Maasai boy. She was able to meet him today and share a meal with him. His father, who wore the traditional Maasai dress, came with him. It was interesting seeing the blonde beauty from America interact with the traditional herdsman and his son. It was quite a contrast! God planned this sponsorship connection… and it was perfect!
Tomorrow I meet my sponsor child, Tabia. It's a big day for us!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Project TZ108

My luggage came! I was so happy for a change of clothes. I must admit that having less reminded me of how much I have. Besides deodorant, another reason that I was thrilled to have my luggage today is that I was getting anxious about all the gifts that I brought for my child and for other sponsors with TZ children. Praise God all the gifts were handed over to the Project Facilitator today and they will be traveling to the sponsored children all over TZ very soon. Also, the bibs that were made by the Valdez folks were given to the Child Survival Project spokesperson. They will divide the bibs up and distribute them to the mothers in the program. Thank you for giving these great blessings to the children!
Today was a workday. We split into two groups again. One group was the painting team. They went to a child development center and did spackling and painting in classrooms. I chose to go to the tree planting/roof building group in a center two and a half hours away, right on the Tanzania/Kenya border. The center that we went to had been waiting for a roof for their classroom for five years. Five years! As they waited, they used the building without a roof, and doubled up the groups in the church when it rained. My TZ friend, Father Peter, tells me that with God, in time an egg will walk. Yes.
We were also able to see something amazing! The students in the center showed us the vocational skills that they are learning. They were making batik cloth, pottery, and silk-screened prints to sell. The most impressive thing about the whole experience was how these teenagers talked us through the processes that they used to complete their work. I was in awe as they explained how they use the chemicals safely and demonstrated their abilities step by step (as their instructor stood proudly in the background). These kids are empowered and very skilled in this trade. Needless to say, the Advocates bought up their products like hotcakes, which added the students’ smiles today.
Although this center experiences huge challenges, great work is being done here! Glory to God!