I made it home to Alaska Thursday, July 29th, at about 6:00 p.m. The journey was a long one, but God gave me great connections and kept me safe. I am so thankful for the whole journey, the things I saw, the people I met, and for the lessons I learned. It is hard to put a cap on the whole experience to summarize and close this portion of my blog. Where do I begin as I end this trip? Perhaps I must realize that this is actually the beginning… the beginning of my part in the story. What will I do with the things I have seen and heard? I feel the responsibility of the gift that I have been given. My experience must be told and the voices of the poor must be heard.
First, I’ll deliver a message.
The church and ministry partners in Tanzania send warm greetings to America. They wanted me to tell you that they are so thankful for what you are doing to help the children in their country. They pray for you and ask God’s continued blessing on you. Your Tanzania friends want you to know that they appreciate you and love you.
Secondly, I will pray.
I commit to pray for the children that are suffering persecution as they move from the traditions of their Muslim families and turn to Jesus. I ask the Lord that he would continue to provide a sanctuary for the children at Compassion’s child development centers and that these children would to be strengthened and given courage through his word and Holy Spirit.
I pray that the Tanzania Compassion staff will have their financial ministry needs met and that the Lord will also provide for their families and keep them healthy as they serve the poor. I ask God to continue to bless the work of their hands and mouths as they share his word and live out their calling.
I pray for the evangelists and pastors in Tanzania that seek to share the good news. Lord, please open the eyes and ears of the lost and allow them to hear and respond.
I pray for the Advocates that have now returned from this trip. Help them to share what they have seen, and provide open hearts that will respond to their message.
I pray for the Compassion’s sponsors. I ask the Lord to allow them to understand the importance of their ministry, and that he will help them to remember to pray for their children and to encourage them through letter writing.
Finally, I commit to act.
I will speak for those who have no voice.
I commit to actively seek opportunities to share what the Lord has shown me.
I will listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as he prompts me to act and respond to his voice.
I will encourage sponsors to be active in their letter writing.
I will encourage Compassion's Advocates to keep up the good fight and press on toward the goal.
I will begin today.
Lord, thank you for the great gift and responsibility that you have given me. I pray that today you will bring new sponsors to the Compassion table and provide the children who are unsponsored with a loving gift. Thank you for this opportunity and help me to communicate the message that you want me to share as I interact with people today.
In Jesus name I pray, amen.
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