Dear Friends,
Although it has been more than a year since I traveled to Tanzania with Compassion, sometimes, as I daydream, it seems as if it were just yesterday that I walked on those dusty roads. The images, smells and emotions rush back, and fill my mind with memories.
One of my most vivid memories is of standing in the middle of an unfinished classroom in Namanga, Child Development Center TZ108, on the Kenya boarder. I remember standing there, overwhelmed, as I imagined the barren room packed with children. A chicken scratched the dirt on the weed-covered floor. The walls, made of carefully laid brick, had holes in their sides, longing for glass. The roof overhead was yet a dream, and the mid-day sun beat down on my pale skin, as I stood there taking it all in. But the image that struck me the most, hung securely on the front wall: a simple, black chalkboard.
It was cracked and weather-beaten. Marks from an old lesson still scratched its surface. It was bumpy and rutted. I tried to imagine the teacher who would have to work so hard to make the writing legible on it’s surface. This is where kids sat on the floor to hear God’s word, to learn life skills, or to sing praises to our King. On this weather beaten board the living word would be written down and lives would be changed.
In that moment, I reflected about the 4th grade classroom where I currently teach. The details that contrast that bare room with my own classroom need not be written down. You know the differences. They are like night and day.
God has called me to raise $15,000 to complete four classrooms at this child development center in Tanzania. I’m writing to you to ask for your help. There is a great need, and the children and staff at this Compassion Development Center are hoping that we will respond.
An approved, detailed proposal from Compassion to move forward with fundraising is available along with additional pictures and a donation form (all donations are tax deductible). I would be thrilled to send it to you. It’s very exciting to see the detailed plans!
Would you consider giving to or organizing a fundraising effort for this proposal?
This endeavor feels “God-sized” to me. I like that. He is good and faithful to provide. I look forward to celebrating with you and our brothers and sisters in Africa, as they continue the work that God has called them to do for his children in Tanzania.
Sheri Beck
Compassion Advocate
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